Mittwoch, 25. April 2012

The Beginning

Ok folks... It's 3 a.m. and it feels kind of weird because I have to work tomorrow, I'm not tired at all but full of inspiration and creativity! Yeah, sounds like one of these lifestyle-blogs everyone has right now. Maybe it is just one like that. But for me it means a lot. As the title tells you - after a long episode of being someone I didn't like to be - I'm back again, full in bloom as my colleague told me some weeks ago.

My English isn't perfect so feel free to correct me ;)  But what I'm basicly trying to do is to share my newborn energy, creativity and also freakiness to be just who I am. This includes looot's of crafts, creative projects, recipies, fashion... and other stuff that makes life worth living.

Did I mention that I'm travelling to Berlin tomorr... today? Then on to Hamburg, having another stop in Frankfurt to come back to my hometown... Time enough for grasping some inspiration DOWNTOWN!

Recently, thanks to a good and also (freaky!) creative friend of mine, I got addicted to Pinterest... So feel free to follow my pins there :)

Cheers! And good night (3 hours of sleep left, weeeha ^^ )
